13$/MWe Additional Incentive to Biomass by Local Technology

An additional local parts incentive of 13 $/MWh shall be paid for the electricity that is produced in EBER Biomass Energy Plant, which Mimsan Grup shall establish for Oltan & Köleoğlu Enerji as a turnkey project within the scope of YEKDEM (Renewable Energy Sources Support Mechanism, i.e. an incentive program applied by the government), due to usage of local fluidized-bed boilers and local generators.  
Hacer İlhan Yiğit, Sales and Marketing Manager of Mimsan Group, emphasized that Local Part Supports (Local Contribution Additional Price) program, which the government provides to support development of local technologies in the field of energy, makes important and positive effects on investments made for biomass electricity power plants. İlhan, who reminds that an incentive of 133$/MWh is provided within the scope of Renewable Energy Sources Support Mechanism (YEKDEM), noted that investors gained the opportunity to sell electricity from 146 $/MWe thanks to the support in the amount of 8$, which is provided for fluidized-bed boilers within the scope of Local Parts Supports, and support in the amount of 8$, which is provided for generators that are localized as a result of recent operations.